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Creativity, Activity, Service
G10 CAS Weeks

Every year, DBS provides short periods of time namely CAS Weeks in the first term and second term, right after the Mid-Term Exam and Final Exam respectively, for G10 students. Such session lasts about two to four weeks and G10 IB students carry out CAS activities on their own.


Students not only can relax and enjoy after the exhausting exam, but they are also given a chance to adapt their coming G11 and G12 life since regular CAS activities in Grade 10 are arranged by the school; students are required to carry out CAS activities on their own that meet the requirements of the IBO in the next two coming years.


Although it aims to give students to chance to arrange their activities, it by no means implies that it is a period of “free time” like Easter or Christmas holidays. Instead of being laid-back and watching TV, activities that involve creativity, activity and service should be taken into consideration. It is worth mentioning that students will be writing regular reflections and giving presentations to their fellow schoolmates regarding the activities they have just carried out in CAS week.

For creativity, students can carry out any interesting events that they can think of, from Photoshop Editing to coding a website.

For activity, students should carry out any activities that they think are worth spending their week on to achieve a better lifestyle. These activities are usually very wide-ranged, including but not limited to playing sports or hiking.


For service, students are advised to perform activities that contribute to society to a larger extent comparing to the two previously mentioned criteria. This third criterion is comparatively more similar to the regular CAS activities that are arranged by the school in Grade 10. Services such as advocating global awareness through various media and picking up rubbish at the beach are especially welcomed by students.

Here are some examples of CAS activities that could be done during G10 CAS Weeks. More ideas can be found in the CAS Handbook. Nevertheless, students are encouraged to brainstorm and initiate their own activities based on their interests and abilities.

CAS weeks

Collaboration with Primary Division (PD)

​PD Extended Learning Week

DBS IB boys has the tradition of volunteering at the PD during CAS weeks. They assist with the implementation of STEAM Projects, as well as the organization of visits to Elderly Home. As Big Brothers, IB students promotes the IB CAS spirit among aspiring juniors. 

Balanced Objects

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Diocesan Boys' School, Hong Kong

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